Frequently Asked Questions - for Schools


  • Can I install an Android or iPhone app?

    There is no app available at the Google Play Store or the App Store, but you can add an icon to your home screen to get the same full-screen, native-app experience. Here's how:

    1. Navigate to on your smartphone browser and log in
    2. At the initial screen, open the browser menu and select Add to Home Screen. An icon will be created on your home screen.
    3. Start the app from the newly created icon to get the full-screen, native-app experience

    * Teachers and admins are currently limited to using either a Mac or PC.

  • How do I get started? (students)

    Decks (for memorizing) and/or tests will be created by your school faculty and be assigned to you. Taking tests should be self-explanatory. The rest of this section describes how to get started memorizing decks of cards.

    1. Select a deck you want to memorize.
    2. Cards will first appear as New Cards. Memorize some.
    3. From the next day, cards you have memorized will appear as Cards Due, scheduled at optimized intervals. Review them, and bring the Cards Due count to 0 every day.

    Repetition and active recall are key to memorizing. Here are some additional tips:

    • To avoid being overloaded with cards to be reviewed, prioritize reviewing "Cards Due" and memorize more "New Cards" only when you think you can handle reviewing more cards.
    • Use the notification feature to receive notifications when you have cards due for review.
    • To handwrite your answers, use a smartphone or a tablet device.
  • How do I get started? (teachers)

    Here's a quick guide for teachers to get started.

    1. Create a new deck of cards for your students to memorize, or a new test for your students to take.
    2. Register your class and add your students, and assign the deck or test you have created to the class.
    3. When your students access the site, they will be able to memorize the decks and take the tests that have been assigned to them.

Creating Flashcards

(This section applies only to teachers and admins)

  • Can I import cards from another system?

    Import cards with CSV files
    Yes, on a Mac or PC, you can import cards using a CSV or TSV file. Choose a deck you want to import to and show the list of cards. Press the Upload from file button and select columns for the front and back of the card.

  • I have a huge number of cards. Are there other ways to edit cards?

    You can always download cards you have created from the card list screen and edit them with Excel or your favorite editor. When re-importing, specify the card ID column so that the cards get replaced instead of being newly created.

Content Editing (for both flashcards and tests)

(This section applies only to teachers and admins)

This section applies to all of the following content

  • Card front/back content
  • Options for multipl-choice cards
  • Card notes
  • Test questions
  • Options for multiple-choice test questions
  • Test answer explanation
  • How can I format content to have bold letters, links, images, etc.?

    Content is created in a lightweight markup language called Markdown (more specifically, CommonMark ). Standard text is displayed as-is, so get started by using just the ones you need.

    The most frequently used markups are listed below. Please refer to the link above for full documentation.

    Bold Text
    Displayed as
    Italic Text
    Displayed as
    Displayed as
    Image (link to image on any site)
    Displayed as
    Image (uploaded to ankimono)
    Displayed as
    # Level 1
    ## Level 2
    Displayed as

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Unordered List
    - dog
    - cat
    Displayed as
    • dog
    • cat
    Ordered List
    1. dog
    1. cat
    Displayed as
    1. dog
    2. cat
    Displayed as
    Displayed as
  • How can I upload images, and how are uploaded images handled?

    Images can be uploaded from the content editing screens. You will see an upload button whereever image uploads are permitted. When you select an image for upload, unnecessarily large images will be automatically reduced to an appropriate size, and then be uploaded, with appropriate markup being added to the target content area.

    Uploaded images live solely under the target object (such as cards) to which they are added; they cannot be referenced from anywhere else, and they are deleted when the containing object is deleted. Images are deleted also when they are no longer referenced.

Memorizing and Reviewing with Flashcards

  • What are "New Cards" and "Cards Due"?

    All cards start as "New Cards" and go into the memorizing state when you start memorizing them.

    Each day, you may see a different number of "Cards Due". These are cards you are about to forget unless they are reviewed.

    Do the "Cards Due" first, and gradually learn "New Cards" when you have time. This will let you avoid being overloaded with cards due for review.

  • What does the button do when answering questions?

    When questions are answered with the Easy! button (and confirmed to be correct), the proficiency level is moved up 2 levels instead of 1. Use this button if you know a card very well and want to push back the next review date more than it is normally pushed back.

  • What is the percentage shown at the bottom right corner of each card during reviews?

    The percentage indicates the rate at which you have correctly recalled the card.

  • Can I disable cards I don't want to memorize?

    To disable a card you already know or don't want to memorize, take one of the following two actions:

    • While memorizing or reviewing cards, press the button when the card is displayed
    • In the card list screen, press the button below the card you want to disable

    A disabled card can be enabled again by pressing the button in the card list screen。

    Warning: Disabled cards will never appear for review. If you know a card well but think you may forget it in the future, you can keep extending the review interval instead of disabling the card completely by answering with the "Easy!" button.

Charts and Statistics

  • What does the "Level" bar chart show?

    Chart showing number of cards per proficiency level
    Each card has a proficiency level which starts at 0. This level is raised each time you recall the card correctly and lowered each time it's forgotten. The chart shows the number of cards (Y-axis) at each proficiency level (X-axis) and gives you a quick overview of how well you have your cards memorized.
  • What does the retention rate chart show?

    Chart showing effect of review delay on retention rate
    This chart shows how your retention rate is being affected when your reviews are delayed.

    The X-axis is the "degree of delay" of your reviews, which is calculated as:

    "number of days overdue" ÷ "review interval (in days)"
    rounded down to the nearest integer.

    The Y-axis shows the retention rate for each degree of delay. (No data will be shown until enough data has been collected.)

    For example, "0" on the X-axis means no delay, so on the Y-axis is the average rate at which you have correctly recalled cards reviewed on the due date.

    "10+" on the X-axis means cards reviewed after a delay of 10 times the review interval or more.

Other Useful Features

  • Can I receive notifications on days when there are cards due for review?

    Yes! You can receive notifications on the Chrome browser on a Mac, Windows, or an Android device. From the top right menu, select Settings and set the notification settings for cards due. You will then start receiving notifications on that device at the time set, on days when there are cards due for review.

  • How do I use card flags ?

    Flags can be used in either of the following two ways.

    • If you have some specific cards you want to review at a later time, you can flag them and review them from the "Final review before exams" link after selecting a deck.
    • As a general-purpose marker, such as to mark cards you need to edit later, or to mark cards you want to look up more information about.
    Flags can be freely switched on an off both while studying and from the card list page.